Ming Jin Choo, an accounting student at Athlone Institute of Technology (AIT) shares three reasons to pick AIT as your study abroad destination…

A warm welcome to you if you have decided to be studying abroad in Ireland! This is a tough decision, but not the hardest one. So where in Ireland are you planning to study? Well, let us start with your goal and what is important to you in term of studying abroad experience. Ask yourself these questions. Do you want to study in a large or small university; what course are you planning to study; what language is used to complete the course; financial capability to finance your study? These are the vital things you should be considering before choosing to study abroad in Ireland. I sat down and thought through all these and I knew I wanted Ireland to be my study abroad destination. I am happy I did and the reasons are as follows…

Home-like atmosphere

Imagine yourself studying at a foreign university, not knowing anyone in the class would be definitely terrifying. I always believe that environment is one of the most important elements that will affect the efficiency of studying. You are not alone here because AIT provides a welcoming atmosphere to all students regardless of their origin. The International Office at AIT has prepared a series of informative seminars, campus tours and ice breaking session for international students during the orientation week and these activities are to ensure you to know us well before the classes start.

Affordable tuition fees

The affordable tuition fee in AIT allows me to study in a financial stress-free condition. It will not only reduce my parents’ financial burden but also boost my study efficiency. International students are entitled to work up to 20 hours per week during term time, and 40 hours per week in holiday times. If you are fluent in English-speaking, you are likely to find a part-time job and support your financial cost in Ireland.

Education programme options

AIT has various of faculties such as Business & Hospitality, Faculty of Engineering & Informatics, Faculty of Science & Health, and Department of Lifelong Learning offering over 100 undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.

There is nothing that I would change about my decision of studying abroad at AIT. This experience has given me nothing but new outlooks on life, and the world. I’ve seen incredible things and met even more incredible people. The friends I’ve made through studying abroad are friends I hope to have for a lifetime. I encourage everyone to follow their dreams and take the risk. It is totally worth it!

Find out more about becoming an international student at AIT