Premchander Mohan, our Indian and DBS Ambassador, is pursuing his final year MBA Information Systems. In this blog, he talks to us about why he loves DBS and how he feels now his time there is coming to an end…

The academic team at Dublin Business School provide special care and follow a specific approach taking into account the needs of each individual student. DBS has attended my needs in every aspect and I feel so lucky to have found such great college.

My first semester here was unforgettable. Thanks to DBS, I was able to study what I am very passionate about. They provided me with perfect modules and study materials, useful not only for my studies but also for my career overall. I thoroughly enjoyed the motivation and enthusiasm from our lecturers. It is such a simple concept, having the willingness to educate students–it’s something that genuinely makes learning more bearable and exciting!

Other than learning the fundamentals of Information Systems in my first few months here, I was privileged enough to put the concepts into practise. Working in Swapslide Ltd as Business Analyst, I discovered more about my own personal strengths, weaknesses and beliefs. If it wasn’t for the opportunities that DBS offered, I wouldn’t have experienced this and had the chance to grow as a person.

A special thanks to a DBS Alumni Prasad Koli who is a current member of The Indians in Ireland, and part of the reason I chose to study in DBS. There are many great things about DBS, but one unique thing is that the lecturers, mentors and even the Dean knows your name and makes an effort to acknowledge your hard work throughout the year. Prasad Koli is proof of that, and to this day he remains a friendly face and continues to be a great asset to DBS, along with many other successful graduates. I engaged in the college as much as I could because then I knew that what DBS would provide would be of great benefit to me in the future. Through all of this I have become a better student, team player, leader and all in all a better version of myself and it’s only just the beginning!

Coming to Ireland for my MBA was great decision, one I’m quite happy with. Now my MBA is coming to a close, I’ve been able to find work here, my MBA education was very good all things considered. My personal goals are still some ways off but this gave me a kick start and I’m hopeful for the future.

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