Meet Fengly, our Student Ambassador, as he shares the authentic and thrilling challenges of studying abroad.

The life of a student juggling a part-time job is no easy feat in Ireland. You need to learn and adapt about the situation in Ireland. The battle between the academics mandatory and the need to earn enough to keep afloat can feel like a never-ending war. You crave for knowledge, but also need money. This struggle is real, and it’s important to acknowledge it before getting swept away by the tide and nothing left to fight because lack of management. 

The exhaustion is real. Between lectures, assignments, exams, and have shifts in free time, fatigue becomes your constant companion. Sleep deprivation can affect your ability to focus and perform well in both work and studies in Ireland. 

Time management is precious weapon. Creating a realistic schedule and sticking to it becomes saving grace. Allocate specific hours for studying, working, sleeping, and socializing. Utilize tools like planners, calendar apps, and time trackers to stay organized and make every minute count. 

Communication is your lifeline.Need to talk to your professors, advisors, and even your manager. They might be able to offer solutions like flexible deadlines, extensions, or even work-study opportunities. Don’t suffer in silence and expressing your struggles can open doors to unexpected support in Ireland. 

Remember, you’re not alone. Millions of students walk this path. Connect with classmates, join study groups, or form a support network of fellow “work-and-study warriors.” Sharing experiences and encouraging each other can make a world of difference. 

Celebrate your victories. Acknowledge your achievements, no matter how small. Finishing a tough assignment, getting a good grade, or securing a flexible work schedule, these are all wins to be celebrated. Reward yourself for your dedication and resilience. Juggling a part-time job and studies is a demanding but rewarding experience. It teaches you time management, responsibility, and resilience – skills that will benefit you long after your academic journey ends. Remember, you are not alone in this. Embrace the challenge, seek support, and most importantly, believe in yourself that you can fight in Ireland. 

Fengly Anggrian is studying Master of Science Finance Technology at NCI via Education in Ireland.