Got your heart set on a career in buisness? Tze Chang Lim from Malaysia tells us why he loves pursuing studies in this field in the heart of Ireland, at Athlone IT…

Why choose AIT?

English language support

Do you just wanted to click on the button to apply for your study abroad but are worried about your standard of English or concerned about writing, listening and speaking? Stop worrying! You will be just fine and AIT offers a comprehensive English class for international students who are just like you, from grammar, listening to giving a speech or talking to friends. And trust me, it will get better and no one is going to make fun of you. You’re already brave to come to a foreign country which has a totally different culture, so what could possibly beat you down?

An international student community

There are students from over 60 countries at AIT, so you won’t be alone here. I’ve made great friends here and we all stick together. We’re there for hugs and shoulders to cry on (homesickness anyone!?). We always have each other’s back and we also learn from each other and our experiences. It is a shock when you realise how different our culture is yet, to some extent, the same, and this helps foster lifelong friendships!

What’s so great about studying Business Studies in AIT?

Teacher support

The syllabus changes often to suit the current environment so what you are getting here is always current and up-to-date. Lecturers are very supportive that they have never hesitated to help me, whether it is a difficulty learning, writing in English, or a more profound discussion around your studies.


I find it great that there are a lot of international students in the Business Studies course, especially students from the ERASMUS programme (an exchange programme for students in Europe). It’s tonnes of fun to study with them, and before you even realise, these friends become important in your life! It’s amazing for students like me to have the opportunity to not only to discover how we work differently but to also share so much laughter with my classmates.

Work life balance

Sometimes college life means a lot more than going into class, writing great notes and getting a good grade. Learning different cultures, languages and acquiring new knowledge outside of academic work, making new friends from different parts of the world that only ever exist in dreams before, to me, contribute to the quality of my life. Simply enjoy your life while you are here, things work out eventually!

What are you waiting for?

Athlone IT has offered such a great opportunity for me, so why don’t you take the chance and challenge yourself to the best you and fulfil your goal now! More questions? Comment below!