Haley Myatt

Haley Myatt

National University of Ireland Galway

LLM International Human Rights


“Through pictures and videos online, among the jaw-dropping beauty of the country, Ireland always seemed like a home I’d never been to, and for years, I had dreamed of jumping on a plane and discovering the country. I quickly learned — through more serious, thorough research — that Ireland is more than just beauty. Ireland is culture, innovation and community. Galway is generosity, diversity and growth. NUI Galway is leadership, ambition and impact. It was impossible for me to say no to an opportunity to pursue what once was just a wild dream. In retrospect, I didn’t choose Ireland… Ireland chose me”

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Tariq Shakeel

Tariq Shakeel

National University of Ireland Galway

Accounting and Analytics


“What could be more perfect than getting your Master’s in the country of your dreams – Ireland. Ireland is known for its friendly culture, rich heritage and a place where you are being given a plethora of opportunities to realise your strengths and skills. Universities in Ireland have a high reputation in terms of the quality of education, faculty, and students. So here I am, finally living my dream”

Read my blog