The pandemic impacted many new beginnings, and trying to adapt in those circumstances was a struggle. However, sometimes, everything falls into place! This was the case for Student Ambassador Anoushka who gives us an account of her experience of starting college in these strange times…
I joined RCSI (Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland) at a time when COVID was at its worst. So, I was not anticipating much of a social life straight away! However, I was pleasantly surprised at how wonderfully it turned out, and meeting friends was a lot simpler than I thought!
Social life in RCSI

RCSI international food night (photo: Anoushka)
Because COVID had control over our life, we were unable to have our freshers’ week in person. However, we did experience several entertaining online activities that let us establish friends and get a glimpse of RCSI events. These events have it all, from bingo to networking!
Even the on-campus lectures and tutorials were a terrific opportunity to meet new people and retain a social life while adhering to the Covid-19 requirements!
Outdoor restaurants and bars
Throughout the pandemic, several Dublin pubs and restaurants renovated or upgraded their outside dining sections. This meant that college students could mingle and meet new people in a safe environment while adhering to pandemic restrictions. Even a night in with takeout was fantastic!!

Dinner with friends (photo: Anoushka)
Student accommodation
Although I can only speak from my personal experience with on-campus housing, it is tremendously advantageous socially. People were not permitted to bring company over to their residences due to Covid-19 restrictions, but with campus accommodation, students were able to connect with their housemates!

Movie night on campus! (photo: Anoushka)
This year’s college experience is different in many respects. Social engagement has been especially harmed. However, I discovered that students all throughout campus are eager to make the most of an unpleasant situation.
Anoushka is studying Medicine at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.