by Associate Editor | 7 Mar, 2022 | from: Mexico, TUS Limerick
“When I was still in Mexico I never imagined how much my life was about to change…” Following in his brother’s footsteps, Student Ambassador Italo Fabrizio Villagómez Delgado from México came to Ireland full of hope and excitement. Now, he has settled in nicely and believes that coming to Ireland was one of the best decisions he has ever made! (more…)
by Associate Editor | 2 Mar, 2022 | from: Peru, Limerick School of Art & Design
First impressions can be make or break, especially when trying to settle into a new country! Student Ambassador Florangela tells us about her first impressions of Ireland….
by Associate Editor | 8 Feb, 2022 | from: Brazil, Mary Immaculate College
Sharing your home culture is an important part of being an international student. When Student Ambassador Janaina Alves de Andrade moved from Brazil to MIC Limerick, she found an institution where she was encouraged to embrace a new culture, without forgetting her own…
by Associate Editor | 7 Feb, 2022 | from: India, Technological University of the Shannon
Student Ambassador Harshali Jagtap, is still coming to terms with the ever-changing Irish weather! Through all of the sunny-rainy-sunny intervals she has overcome personal challenges, had some amazing road-trips, and located the all-important Indian spices! Read about her life at TUS in Limerick… (more…)
by Associate Editor | 25 Aug, 2021 | from: Nigeria, Limerick Institute of Technology, Technological University of the Shannon
Having gotten to know Limerick pretty well and adjusted to life in Ireland, Nigerian Student Ambassador Nyah Nsikak Matthew shows us around his favourite places in Limerick. (more…)
by Associate Editor | 13 Aug, 2021 | from: Brazil, Mary Immaculate College
The beauty of Ireland is seen in many different ways; it is interpreted differently by everyone who is lucky enough to visit. For Brazilian Student Ambassador Caroline Pereira, she has seen the magic, charm and majesty of Ireland during her time spent in Limerick… (more…)