Ireland: A great decision

Ireland: A great decision

“When I was still in Mexico I never imagined how much my life was about to change…” Following in his brother’s footsteps, Student Ambassador Italo Fabrizio Villagómez Delgado from México came to Ireland full of hope and excitement. Now, he has settled in nicely and believes that coming to Ireland was one of the best decisions he has ever made! (more…)

Cork: A gem in the South of Ireland

Cork: A gem in the South of Ireland

Finding the right destination to study can be a long process but when Samantha Diaz Arcega, Student Ambassador from Mexico, found Cork she fell in love with it. She thinks she’s found the perfect place to live in Ireland – boasting diversity, architectural beauty, history and rich culture, Samantha tells us a little about the city she is proud to call her new home. (more…)