Life is all about one big adventure !
Join Priscilla Paul Nicson, our Student Ambassador, on an exciting journey of living and studying abroad! 🌍 (more…)
Join Priscilla Paul Nicson, our Student Ambassador, on an exciting journey of living and studying abroad! 🌍 (more…)
Join our exceptional Student Ambassador, Paul Olufemi, as he leads the way at NCI as an inspiring International Peer Mentor. 📚 (more…)
Embark on an enchanting journey with our Student Ambassador, Lerong Dong, as she discovers the breathtaking beauty of Cork’s coastline.
Join our Student Ambassador, William Andres, as he takes you through his day in Dublin.
Ever wondered about the charm of Blarney Castle?
Let Student Ambassador Duong Hai Nhi Bui be your guide on this enchanting tour!
Venturing into the perfect weekend tour with friends and soaking in breathtaking Irish landscapes!
Student Ambassador Hakim Gul Totakhail takes you along for the ride, sharing the adventure.