Student Ambassador Wong Chong Yeow: Exploring diversity, broadening horizons, and enriching the mind through studying in Ireland.
Explore a New Culture
People often perceive the world through the extremely specific lens they grew up in. Studying abroad will enable you to try on other people’s glasses and understand the world from their perspective. Being abroad you will see new holiday rituals, religions, types of foods, ways of life, and even philosophies that you may not have been exposed to before. You will take these new perspectives with you when you leave, which will enable you to analyse current affairs (external or internal) in a deeper or more holistic way.
See the World
We live on a rich and diverse planet both in a societal and ecological sense. Every country, city, and town you visit can offer infinite wisdom on life and the pursuit of happiness. Often, the more you explore the differences and the more people you meet – especially face-to-face – you become more tolerant to those who differ from you. You see people for who they are – people who have lived a different life and experienced a distinct reality from yours – and perceive them less in binary terms such as good or bad, smart, or stupid. This gives you more empathy.
Become More Responsible
If you are studying abroad, you will force yourself to overcome insecurities and doubts, especially if you find yourself in situations you never knew you could handle. Over time this will help you develop more confidence, responsibility, and independence.
Expand Your Boundaries
While studying abroad, many students are surprised by their ability to expand their boundaries. Introverts may be surprised by their ability to socialise, while extroverts may thoroughly enjoy time alone for the first time in years.People who grew up in cities may find themselves enjoying camping for the first time in their lives, while people who grew up in the country side may find new cities that pique their curiosity. As International Student states, you can try new activities and develop interests that you might never have discovered at home.
Sharpen Your Brain
Research shows that being exposed to a new language and a new way of thinking can increase brain function. Learning a new language is associated with improved cognitive skills, concentration, and memory. Furthermore, because some languages have words and concepts that others do not, you can suddenly grasp and perceive things that you could not before because you did not have the vocabulary too.
Wong Chong Yeow studies Accounting at TUS