“It has been an amazing experience, an emotional roller-coaster where I’ve gained friends and knowledge for life.” Find out more about why Swet Mei Tiang chose Marketing and Sales and the Institute of Technology Sligo as her study abroad choice…
What’s the first thing that pops into your head when I say sportswear? Was is an image of three stripes or the simple but elegant swoosh? Was it Adidas or Nike perhaps? Why did you think of either one? Funny isn’t it? That, my friends, is the power of marketing.
…curiosity ultimately drove me to pursue my current career path, this urge to understand.
Even at a really young age, I was fascinated by the concepts of the business world. Why do we buy products we don’t need? Why do we want to buy them? What’s so special about this brand when I could get the same product and pay less for it that’s a different brand? If you’ve ever asked yourself these questions, we’re probably in the same boat. My passion to know more about this world was further expanded and catalysed when I began working as a sales assistant after graduating from High School. I had more and more questions every day, all going unanswered. This curiosity ultimately drove me to pursue my current career path, this urge to understand. “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players” quoted from William Shakespeare, explains the business world perfectly. There are exchanges and transactions constantly at play no matter who you are and what you do. It’s definitely knowledge that you’ll gain be able to apply in your daily lifestyle no matter what life you live.
It has been an amazing experience, an emotional roller-coaster where I’ve gained friends and knowledge for life.
In all honesty, IT Sligo wasn’t my first choice. Before applying to IT Sligo, I applied to many different universities in different countries. After thorough consideration and research though, I chose IT Sligo as it came up on top in terms of cost (it’s pretty affordable for an overseas institution), location and quality of education (there were many good reviews of the IT online). Even just before arriving in Ireland, I was skeptical, still unsure, and still afraid that I might regret it and end up unhappy for the next four years. It’s been more than half a year since I’ve arrived and all I have to say now is that, I’m glad I took the chance; I’m glad I had the courage to board that plane to Ireland! It has been an amazing experience, an emotional roller-coaster where I’ve gained friends and knowledge for life. Without taking that chance, I wouldn’t have met lecturers who have always been supportive guidance counsellors since day one, and have grown beyond the teacher-student relationship, but instead friends who share stories and the passion to know more. With the best facilities Ireland can offer, IT Sligo can accompany you in your journey of growth and development, just as they have for me.
If you have any questions or want to know more about IT Sligo and my course. Feel free to contact me through the comments below – don’t be shy, I promise I won’t bite!