by Brian Martinez | 23 Jun, 2021 | from: Mexico, Mary Immaculate College
Feeling a little unmotivated? In need of some guidance? Well, look no further! Our Mexican Student Ambassador Brian Martinez has five steps for you to follow to get you up and out during your days of online study! Check out Brian’s new video up on our YouTube channel now and let Brian be your Mr Motivator!
Brian is doing a Masters of Education at Mary Immaculate College, Limerick.
by Brian Martinez | 25 Mar, 2021 | from: Mexico, Mary Immaculate College
Brian Martinez, a 24-year-old Mexican studying for a master’s in education at Mary Immaculate College (Mary I) in Limerick, has been having something of a love affair with Ireland. And despite COVID and everything it has brought, he is continuing to enjoy it every day.
by Brian Martinez | 23 Dec, 2020 | from: Mexico, Mary Immaculate College
Mexican Student Ambassador Brian Martinez, who’s doing a master’s in education at Mary Immaculate College in Limerick, found lots of similarities between his country and Ireland
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