Dublin in 20 seconds
Considering study abroad in Ireland? Here’s Dublin in 20 seconds!
Student Ambassador Kaluhara De Silva takes us around the city! Don’t miss out this fabulous tour.
Considering study abroad in Ireland? Here’s Dublin in 20 seconds!
Student Ambassador Kaluhara De Silva takes us around the city! Don’t miss out this fabulous tour.
Why apply to be an Education in Ireland Student Ambassador? This is a good question!.
Students have busy lives, so adding another commitment can seem a big ask. But if you are the right fit, magic happens. So as we head towards the start of the new term, ahead of the tenth anniversary of this flagship programme, we thought we’d share the wisdom of some of our alumni and highlight just how much you stand to benefit from the programme if your application is successful.
Ever wondered what life after study abroad is like? Former Ambassador and Trinity College student Heidi takes a look back on everything that’s happened and all the opportunities that have opened up since her study abroad experience… (more…)
Ashutosh Bagla, our UCD alumni Ambassador and Food & Agribusiness graduate, gives us an account of his exchange experience in the US, work experience and graduate life here in Ireland… (more…)