by Editor | 8 Sep, 2020 | Alumni, Education in Ireland, Events, Student Ambassador Programme, Study Abroad
Why apply to be an Education in Ireland Student Ambassador? This is a good question!.
Students have busy lives, so adding another commitment can seem a big ask. But if you are the right fit, magic happens. So as we head towards the start of the new term, ahead of the tenth anniversary of this flagship programme, we thought we’d share the wisdom of some of our alumni and highlight just how much you stand to benefit from the programme if your application is successful.
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by Editor | 18 Jul, 2020 | Cork Institute of Technology, Education in Ireland, from: USA, Study Abroad, Uncategorized, Undergraduate, University College Cork
Cork is the ‘real’ capital of Ireland. Well, that’s what Cork people would have you believe, and if you judge this friendly, vibrant city on its own terms, you might agree. As a student, it has everything you need. And the surrounding countryside and coastline are famous for their natural beauty.
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by Associate Editor | 13 Apr, 2020 | Atlantic Technological University ATU, from: Malaysia, Letterkenny Institute of Technology, Study Abroad
‘Keep calm and enjoy yourself!’ That’s Malaysian student Lynn Chiam Hue Theen’s message for students from abroad who want to learn about budgeting for their time in Ireland. Lynn, who is studying Law at Letterkenny Institute of Technology in Donegal, has plenty of tips for saving money!
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by Associate Editor | 19 Mar, 2020 | from: Canada, Institute of Technology Tralee, Study Abroad, Uncategorized
You’ll be spoilt for choice when it comes to things to do in charming Tralee. At least according to Canadian Alissa Facchinato, who is studying Travel & Tourism Management at Tralee IT on Ireland’s beautiful Wild Atlantic Way. In her blog, she lets us in on her favourite activities in this seaside Kerry town.
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