Why I’m doing a Master’s in Environmental Economics in Galway and why you should too
Mexican student Juan Pablo Martinez Lizarraga was driven to study Environmental Economics by concern for the planet (which grew into a love of Galway).
Mexican student Juan Pablo Martinez Lizarraga was driven to study Environmental Economics by concern for the planet (which grew into a love of Galway).
Coming to study in Ireland on your own may seem daunting, but it is worthwhile and will help your education and build your character. So says Will Stover from Canada, who maintains that choosing to study in Ireland was a great way to get out of his comfort zone.
Ridhdhi Rathore shares five reasons to choose the Institute of Technology Carlow and EnviroCore for pursuing a PhD/MRes in Biological and Environmental Science… (more…)
Dheeraj shares his experience of studying for his PhD in Ireland with University College Dublin and Teagasc – from why he chose Ireland as a destination to advice on applying for fully funded research and scholarships… (more…)