Finding part-time jobs in Ireland

Finding part-time jobs in Ireland

Wondering what jobs are available to you as an international student? Or, looking for where to find part-time and student friendly jobs? Well, Student Ambassador Ufuoma from Nigeria has all of the details! In her second blog, Ufuoma gives us the low-down on her experience of the Irish job market, and some handy tips to finding the perfect fit for you… (more…)

The 6 Commandments of Budgeting

The 6 Commandments of Budgeting

Sometimes being a student can be expensive. You need to be aware of many different costs, while being away from home, and often have to balance rent, bills, food, clothes while maintaining a social life! This can be overwhelming but thankfully, Student Ambassador Estelle has given us her handy 6 Commandments to being budget friendly in Dublin! Read her second blog to find out her tips and tricks to surviving on a budget…
