by Associate Editor | 22 Mar, 2023 | Dublin Business School, from: France, Uncategorized
“How is our student life at DBS?”
Student Ambassadors Ambre Poilly and Pedro D Carvalho Azevedo Neto give us 5 good reasons to choose DBS and Ireland as your study abroad destination.
by Associate Editor | 23 Feb, 2023 | from: Cambodia, Mary Immaculate College
Why study in Ireland? There are so many reasons!
Hear some great ones from our Student Ambassador Pov Pheung
by Associate Editor | 1 Feb, 2022 | from: India, National College of Ireland
It can be tough deciding where live and study, aside from having a planet full of countries to choose from, you also have to think practically about your needs, wants and the practicality of it all. Well, after a lot of research and deliberation, Student Ambassador Sumit Gautam from Delhi, India decided to study in Ireland. Watch his new video to find out the five main reasons he chose Ireland… (more…)