by Joyanne Njuguna | 9 Aug, 2021 | from: Kenya, National University of Ireland Galway
Joyanne is back, this time with a vlog! Take a stroll through Galway’s farmer market with Joyanne Njuguna! Watch here She shows us fresh bread, fresh vegetables, and all the wonderful produce available for students near Galway.
Joyanne studies a BSC in Computer Science And Information Technology at NUIG via Education in Ireland Kenya.
A Stroll Through Galway's Farmers Market
by Zahra Khan | 22 Dec, 2020 | Uncategorized
This year, for the first time, it’s a requirement for Student Ambassadors to produce a vlog rather than simply being a casual choice they can make if they choose to. And in fairness, they seem pretty excited about it! Video really is the medium of the moment.
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