Weather in Ireland
Check out Ireland’s weather through the eyes of Student Ambassador Naveenkumar Maradala.
From sunny spells to unexpected showers, he’s capturing the essence of Irish weather.
Check out Ireland’s weather through the eyes of Student Ambassador Naveenkumar Maradala.
From sunny spells to unexpected showers, he’s capturing the essence of Irish weather.
Student Ambassador Bruno Rafael Seolin da Silva from Brazil shares his thoughts on the ever-changing and fantastic Irish weather! From misty mornings and surprise rainbows to even catching the northern lights, he’s embracing every magical moment under the Irish skies.
In the enchanting winter atmosphere of Ireland, Student Ambassador Tuba Mine Akkoca joyfully welcomes the first snow! Don’t miss out on her winter experience!
Student Ambassador Harshali Jagtap, is still coming to terms with the ever-changing Irish weather! Through all of the sunny-rainy-sunny intervals she has overcome personal challenges, had some amazing road-trips, and located the all-important Indian spices! Read about her life at TUS in Limerick… (more…)
The Irish winter can be pretty unpredictable. Our ambassador from Malaysia and student at Athlone Institute of Technology Jasmine See Wei Fong shares how the reality of an Irish winter compared to her expectations. (more…)
Ireland has many benefits for students but let’s be honest it’s not renowned for it’s year-round sunshine! Naomi Akinyede is an international student at University College Dublin and here are her top tips for surviving the temperamental Irish weather… (more…)