by Maria de los Angeles Martinez Moreno | 3 Jun, 2018 | from: Venezuela, ICD Business School
Ever wanted to write a letter to yourself? What do you wish you had known when embarking on a new journey in life? Maria, our ICD Business School Ambassador reflects on her time in Ireland and gives her younger self some advice… (more…)
by Maria de los Angeles Martinez Moreno | 4 Mar, 2018 | from: Venezuela, ICD Business School
Choosing to study abroad can be a life-changing decision and Maria, our Venezuelan Ambassador, tells us why she is so happy she picked BA Business & Finance at ICD Business School… (more…)
by Maria de los Angeles Martinez Moreno | 8 Feb, 2018 | from: Venezuela, ICD Business School
Take a tour around ICD Business School, located in the heart of Dublin City, with Maria our Venezuelan Ambassador… (more…)