Stay home, stay sane
Netra Charya from India shares with us her top ten tips to take on student life in Ireland. Netra’s tips bear in mind the fluctuating stages of lockdown the world has gone through over the past year.
Netra Charya from India shares with us her top ten tips to take on student life in Ireland. Netra’s tips bear in mind the fluctuating stages of lockdown the world has gone through over the past year.
Student Ambassador Sneha Jheetay has some great ways of staying focused in her vlog – with great music too
Indian Student Ambassador Simonelle Barretto has really enjoyed her time in Ireland and hopes her vlog will inspire you to come here too
It has been a very strange year for so many of us. So it’s important that we look after ourselves!
Brazilian Student Ambassador Sandra Rocha has some pretty cool advice about what to do when you feel like giving up – and we’ve all felt like that in the past year or so
Malaysian Student Ambassador Wong Chong Yeow has had plenty of new experiences while starting his studies at the Athlone Institute of Technology