by Associate Editor | 20 May, 2022 | Dublin City University, from: Nigeria
It’s so important to ensure you choose a course that suits your wants and needs, getting the perfect balance in a course to find one that is both practical and enjoyable. After a whole lot of searching, Student Ambassador Olutoyese Oyedepo from Nigeria found the perfect course for him at DCU. Watch his new video to find out why he thinks his course has it all… (more…)
by Associate Editor | 1 Feb, 2022 | from: India, Maynooth University
Student Ambassador, Saran Dakshina from Bengaluru, in Southern India, tells us how he combined his passions and education in his move to Ireland. Exploring his new home on his bicycle, Saran tells us just some of the things that Ireland has on offer…
by Associate Editor | 3 Sep, 2021 | from: Vietnam, Maynooth University
As summer in Ireland is officially over, we look forward to the autumn as we see the colours around us change from greens to golds. It can be hard to give up the summer sun but Ireland in the autumn is even more beautiful than the summer. Take it from Vietnamese Student Ambassador Ly Le Thi, she claims Ireland has the best autumn she has ever seen… (more…)
by Associate Editor | 2 Sep, 2021 | from: India, National University of Ireland Galway
A friendly face to help you on your way… Shyam Bhupeshkumar Panchal is one of our Student Ambassadors from India, he has put together a short video and blog about his experience of the application process to the National University of Ireland, Galway. (more…)
by Associate Editor | 6 Jul, 2021 | from: India, UCD Smurfit Business School
In his first piece on our blog, Indian Student Ambassador Prashant Singh tells us some of his favourite things to do in Dublin. From cliff walks to a picnic in the park, Prashant has covered a lot of ground! In his visual guide, we’re sure there is something for everyone! (more…)
by Associate Editor | 28 Feb, 2020 | from: India, National University of Ireland Galway, National University of Ireland Galway, Postgraduate
Rochelle Vaz is loving her MSc in Marketing in NUI Galway, but studying in Ireland is certainly very different to studying in India. In this blog she shares her tips on preparing for study in Ireland. The good news? It’s all very worthwhile!
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