by Ambre Poilly | 22 Mar, 2023 | Dublin Business School, from: France, Uncategorized
“How is our student life at DBS?”
Student Ambassadors Ambre Poilly and Pedro D Carvalho Azevedo Neto give us 5 good reasons to choose DBS and Ireland as your study abroad destination.
by Beatriz Selene MartineZ Castaneda | 20 Mar, 2023 | from: Mexico, Independent Colleges
Has studying abroad been a dream of yours for as long as you can remember?
Student Ambassador Beatriz Selene Martinez Castaneda shares the journey of her decision to study in Ireland!
by David Chisanga | 22 Feb, 2023 | from: Zambia, Mary Immaculate College
“Studying in Ireland is not just about gaining knowledge, it’s about gaining a lifetime experience”
That’s the optimistic message from Student Ambassador David Chisanga, don’t miss it!