Simple remedies to cure those homesick blues
Canadian Student Ambassador Karin Ishak has made Ireland her second home but she also knows it can be hard to be away from family and friends
Canadian Student Ambassador Karin Ishak has made Ireland her second home but she also knows it can be hard to be away from family and friends
Saudi Arabian Student Ambassador Rayyan Mirdad has embraced the Irish way of life – craic, ceol and chat – and can’t wait for restrictions to be lifted
Our Student Ambassador Israa Alzarmah has been through this so she and her fellow students are ideally suited to break down the options for you
Saudi Arabian Student Ambassador Israa Alzarmah has some brilliant tips for any student wanting to improve their chances of work after college
This is great! Saudi Arabian Student Ambassador Noor Alsaeed made a short video documenting her day as a medical student in Dublin
Malaysian Student Ambassador Kai Meen Chen writes about clinical research at NUIG and about how beautiful the Galway campus is