Chosen the wrong course? All is not lost!

Chosen the wrong course? All is not lost!

Struggling to study in a course you don’t like? You’re not alone. Sometimes we make decisions that we feel might be the best choice for us or study in a field we have been pressured into by family. Our ambassador from Malaysia and student at Institute of Technology Athlone, See Ming Chuah shares her advice to all students who are struggling with their choice. (more…)

The student cook’s best friend — the rice cooker!

The student cook’s best friend — the rice cooker!

Living on a student budget can be tough. Particularly when you want to eat well. Our Malaysian ambassador Muhammad Amirul Hakim Amir has a budget friendly solution for you — as long as you are willing to get creative. He shows us how to create five different meals using only a rice cooker. Have fun experimenting in the kitchen with this unlikely culinary saviour! (more…)